Saturday, September 29, 2012

Secret Window Secret Addiction

Half eaten meals and empty cigarette packs crowd the table
Dirty clothes and empty bottles litter the floor 
I swear I'm not a wreck 
I just look like one
Regrets from the past
Don't look so bad
When you drink a little vodka
and let time pass
Thunder in the distance and a wind that chills me to the bone
I've been cold all day
Saggy hat, saggy sweater, maybe I'm just trying to hide
Nothing to do
Except so much
but what can I do
Cigarette butts stick out from the cracks
Much like weeds begging for sun
I just want to talk and dance and drink
but it's getting later and later
What to do 
What to do
I'm covered in bruises and cuts
Where do they come from
I can't remember
I don't let myself remember much these days
It's easier that way
Forgot my own phone number 
Forgot my lighter
Forgot my pay check at work
Forgot how to love so I decided not to try
I smell like shampoo and smoke
Maybe it should just rain and stop threatening
Written: Aug. 28th 2010.

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